Alexander H.
What do you want to work on?
About Alexander H.
Essay Writing
Art/Art Studies, General Major from Western Nevada College
Career Experience
I'm a student of the arts and have been a tutor to people of all ages for the past 4 years. My primary strength is essay writing but I am also adept at math, programming, and a number of artistic fields.
I Love Tutoring Because
many subjects people find boring can be really interesting and insightful if one takes the time to get past the initial hurdles. I love helping people overcome these hurdles, hopefully allowing them to gain a deeper appreciation and understanding of the subjects they struggle with.
Other Interests
Chess, Digital arts, Magic, Music
English - Secondary (9-12) Essay Writing

Async - English - General (7-12) Essay Writing

Async - English - General (7-12) Essay Writing

English - Secondary (9-12) Essay Writing