Async - English - Doctoral Writing - Editing and Formatting
I appreciated every bit of feedback from this expert tutor. Extremely helpful and thorough. Along with improving my paper, his feedback taught me skills to be a better writer. Thank you!
Async - English - Doctoral Writing - Editing and Formatting
This was fast and informative.
Async - English - Doctoral Writing - Editing and Formatting
Thank you so much for your feedback! It is very helpful, and I will work on the little things that need tweaking. I will submit more as it becomes available-lots of writing to do! I will recommend this service to a friend-it would not let me check the box
Async - English - Doctoral Writing - Editing and Formatting
provide specific examples for improvement. For example, the paragraphs that need more work. Thanks overall!
Async - English - Doctoral Writing - Editing and Formatting
Thankyou! i found this very insightful and helpful. I researched Dansereau as well and found it helpful for my research and arguments.
Async - English - Doctoral Writing - Editing and Formatting
Thank you for your help.
Vanessa S.
Async - English - Doctoral Writing - Editing and Formatting
Great feedback. I am impressed with the quick turnaround time. Thank you!
Lantia M.
Async - English - Doctoral Writing - Editing and Formatting
Thank you for taking the time to break down and explain your comments. The feedback is appreciated and insightful.
Async - English - Doctoral Writing - Editing and Formatting
Thank you very much for your helpful comments, including the use of "how." Your comments suggested positive revisions that make the sentences sound more cohesive.
Async - English - Doctoral Writing - Editing and Formatting
Thank you for the phenomenally quick review and return! I appreciate the careful review and the comments that note where my style may be too casual for academic writing.
Async - English - Doctoral Writing - Editing and Formatting
Hello Mr. Barry,
First of all, BRAVO!! You have a keen eye for spotting tiny details that substantially impact sentence flow, structure, and thought process. Thank you for your expertise! I appreciate you.
Async - English - Doctoral Writing - Editing and Formatting
So thankful for the help!
Async - English - Doctoral Writing - Editing and Formatting
Great tutor. Always give great insights!
Async - English - Doctoral Writing - Editing and Formatting
Thank you, Barry, for your insightful feedback. I appreciate the "find" tip tool in MS Word. I really struggle with "how & what" in my writing. You're my favorite tutor. I always submit my papers after 10pm in hopes that you will review my paper!
Async - English - Essay Writing - College Level
thank you I will work on being less casual. That is helpful
Async - English - Doctoral Writing - Editing and Formatting
Thank you for your comments. They are very important to whether I can continue on this go-around. Thank you again.
Async - English - Doctoral Writing - Editing and Formatting
Thank you for the feedback. It was clear and thorough. I do not have any suggestions for improvement. I would recommend to my peers.
Async - English - Essay Writing - College Level
Your service is most appreciated. I did not allow myself enough time to make it structurally sound.
Async - English - Doctoral Writing - Editing and Formatting
Excellent: continue to provide honest feedback
Thank you
Async - English - Essay Writing - College Level
Thank you! This has been most insightful and helpful.
Async - English - Essay Writing - College Level
Nope you guys did what you are supposed to do and I thank you for it. This service is great.