Dorian A.
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About Dorian A.
Essay Writing
Bachelors in Business Administration and Management, General from Case Western Reserve University
Masters in Business Administration and Management, General from Xavier University
Career Experience
I have helped students write stronger and more confident essays for 15 years. I have a passion for collaborative learning environments and have employed dozens of methods to create these environments successfully. From leading writing groups in college, to teaching various subjects in K-12, I understand the challenges students face, and strive to earn their trust and behave as an advisor, guide, and supporter.
I Love Tutoring Because
Tutors helped me immensely in my academic career. The patient, low-pressure environments allowed my mind to explore new ways of thinking, without the pressure to produce a 'correct' answer. In many ways, I learned more about myself as a student from the tutors I've had in my life than I have from my teachers.
Other Interests
Chess, Lego Building, Playing Music, Reading, Vintage cars, Weightlifting
English - Secondary (9-12) Essay Writing