Reid A.
What do you want to work on?
About Reid A.
Career Experience
I have held many jobs from fast-food, to retail, to independent work as a driver. All have taught me a fair amount of lessons in the workforce. As a crew member at restaurants and a merchandiser at retail stores, I learned the importance of people skills and customer service. As a driver, I understood the necessity of time management when getting from one place to another. These lessons influence my tutoring because I know how to effectively work with people, assess their needs, and manage the time we have in tutor sessions while maintaining the quality of the service.
I Love Tutoring Because
I love to help people regain their confidence and belief in themselves. From my experience as a tutor in high school, nothing was quite as satisfying and heartwarming than to bring a student who thought they could never understand a subject to be confident and informed enough to do it on their own. On top of this, I enjoy working with people. In my mind, tutoring (or helping people in general) is fulfilling enough to make it not seem like a job!
Other Interests
American football, Auto racing, College football, Lego Building, Video Gaming, Watching Movies, Weightlifting
English - Secondary (9-12) English

English - Secondary (9-12) English

English - Secondary (9-12) English

English - Secondary (9-12) English