Technology - Computer Science - Java
Awesome tutor, helped me learn my mistakes and solve the problem.
Technology - Computer Science - Java
The tutor was very patient and understanding with helping me through a problem I have been struggling and overthinking greatly about. Which I greatly appreciated.
Technology - Computer Science - Java
My tutor was excellent i was struggling how to extract a folder from eclipse to my local p.c. He/She walked me through the process, and I was able to finally complete my assignment.
Technology - Computer Science - C++
Very helpful. explained my question perfectly
Technology - Computer Science - Java
patient instructor and knowledgable
Technology - Computer Science - Java
Pays attention to details and make sure I understand each problem question.
Technology - Computer Science - Java
Tutor was very helpful and offered great insight on an assignment I was working on. I always recommend this service and hope it stays around.
Technology - Computer Science - C++
tutor spent a lot of time reviewing then we went over what could be the problem. She did explain I was on the right track with what was missing but when I explained im unsure how to do what I need she was very slow to respond and I ran out of time before fixing anything.
Technology - Computer Science - Java
maybe it was just me but there was no audio.
Technology - Computer Science - C++
The tutor made me understand why my program wasn't working.
Technology - Computer Science - C++
Excellent help in working with me through a difficult problem
Technology - Computer Science - Java
I liked how patient and he provided clues to help me with my code.
Technology - Computer Science - Java
My tutor tried best to help me and now I know the issue. Thank you!
Technology - Computer Science - Java
This assistance was extremely helpful, particularly since I work full time and have a very hard time meeting with anyone else to get help.
Technology - Computer Science - C++
thank you for trying
Technology - Computer Science - Java