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Colleges often list a major in African Studies within a broader major of African-American/Afro-American studies. This broader context will provide you the opportunity to look not only at African culture and history, but also the relationship between them and the African-American experience in the United States. Areas of focus within the African Studies major include history, religion, cultural and social issues, literature, and the arts.

Given the breadth of African history and African-American culture, there are plenty of areas from which you may choose. Whether it’s women’s issues in contemporary Africa, or the political, economic, and social effects of slavery within the United States, the African Studies major is a wonderful opportunity to explore the connections between Africa and the rest of the world.


  • African-American History

  • African-American voices in U.S. Literature

  • Carribean, African-American and African Literature

  • Contemporary Black Drama

  • Introduction to Africa-American and African Studies

  • Introduction to African Civilization

  • Introduction to African Literature

  • Introduction to African Politics

  • Philosophy in Contemporary African Literature

  • Themes in African-American Literature


The best preparation for a major in African Studies is a strong interest and commitment to humanities. English courses, especially those in which discussion of texts is the normal way class is conducted, get you ready for a major that often involves polemic issues. Geography is essential, as there are over 40 countries in Africa, and learning them all has been compared to learning the periodic table of elements