
See what students say:


Texas A&M International University (TAMIU) is conveniently “located in an area with a strong international trade industry” and offers a “normal work environment” that has “grown much” in recent years. TAMIU’s Sanchez School of Business has, according to one student concentrating in international trade, “a strong international business focus and a faculty from diverse educational, professional, and cultural backgrounds.” The school’s “relatively small classes” also help cultivate “an excellent learning environment” in which to earn an accredited MBA. The course load has been described as “intense and demanding,” and even “too much if you are a student who works fulltime.” But overall, as one student tells us, “The effort gone into this coursework is greatly compensated by the knowledge attained. It takes practice and hands-on projects to learn what is expected of my career.”

In addition to a diverse faculty of thirty-six, who specialize in international taxation, accounting, banking and finance, and trade theory, among other disciplines, TAMIU’s student body also covers a broad spectrum of experience and background. “Most of my fellow classmates,” one student notes, “are older and wiser with experience from different business backgrounds. It is very interesting to learn about their experiences. We get to hear about real-life scenarios and how they are handled or should have been handled.” TAMIU also benefits from a “relaxed” and “peaceful” learning environment, which complements the school’s intense academic workload. There are also “great computer labs and library,” and the “food retailers are excellent.”

Among the advanced degrees offered by TAMIU, the list includes an onsite MBA, an online MBA, as well as MPACC, MS-IS and a Ph.D. in International Business Administration. On average, the approximate length of each master ’s program for fulltime students is one and a half years of study. Specific degree programs and concentrations at TAMIU include international banking and finance, international business, international trade and logistics, and management. Given the impressive offerings at TAMIU, not many students find cause for complaint, but some students have expressed concern that members of the local business community are unable to audit classes.

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Admissions Office Contact

Imelda Lopez
Graduate Admissions Advisor

5201 University Blvd.
Laredo, TX 78041
United States





Applicants: 15
Acceptance Rate: 100%
Average Undergrad GPA 3.24
Years Work Experience: 2.5
Average Age: 26



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