
See what students say:


Drake University, a small liberal arts school located in Iowa’s biggest city, “combines specialized academic programs with a small school feel in a way that promotes successful learning and professional preparation.” Nearly one in three students pursues an undergraduate business degree here. Business students benefit from “excellent job placement and internship programs. [The College of Business and Public Administration] graduates almost all of its students within four years, and a majority of them have double majors.” Drake’s “great” and “incredibly well known” pharmacy program is another major draw. Like business students, pre-law students, and students of public administration, pharmacy majors have “opportunities available to work on completing [two degrees] simultaneously” over six years. Theater, actuarial science, and journalism are among the other popular and well-regarded majors at Drake. In all areas, students tell us, “Drake really knows how to tailor the college experience for each person going through. The school puts an emphasis on professional development and preparation that is heads above the rest.” Undergrads also enjoy “a great network of graduates that stay and work around the Des Moines area. They then come back and speak in classes, and often times have connections that can help students land internships.”

Student Body

“Since Drake is in Iowa, which isn’t a terribly diverse state, the ‘typical student’ is probably white and from a middle-class family,” students here tell us, adding that “Drake does do some recruiting overseas and in bigger cities such as Chicago.” “Such recruitment has brought in some diversity, but it is still a very ‘white school.’ Despite that…all people are welcomed equally, regardless of race, disabilities, religion, or background.” That said, some warn that “You are either a Bible thumper or a frat rat” here, and that “There isn’t much socially available if you are neither.” All in all, students are “serious about their study but they also know how to have fun,” balancing both “very well.” They are also driven by a desire to succeed in school in order to position themselves for good careers.

Campus Life

Drake students are split on hometown Des Moines. Some (Chicago and Minneapolis natives, perhaps) find the town “boring.” Others differ, telling us that it is “a great city because it offers many opportunities for Drake students to get involved in activities that complement your learning experiences” and that it “offers a diverse and exciting range of social scenes that are easily accessible and easy to get involved in.” On campus, “Drake’s Student Activities Board, as well as several other on-campus organizations, offers many programs and things to do throughout the week and during the weekend as well. Different speakers, bands, comedians, and other forms of entertainment visit campus. As with any college, there are parties to attend on the weekends, but it’s not limited to that—basketball games are a really big campus event and the Drake Relays are always fun too!” While “Campus bars sum up the social life of most freshman and many sophomores…. If people opt out of the drinking scene, there are plenty of people who also do so. One just has to become friends with nondrinkers and plan sober fun.”

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Contact & Visit

Campus Visits Contact

Admissions Office
2507 University Ave.
Des Moines, IA 50311-4505



Experience College Life

Most Popular Places On Campus
Athletic Facilities
Olmsted Center
Anderson Gallery
Helmick Commons
Residence Halls / Residence Life

Most Popular Places Off Campus
Court Avenue
Local Shopping Malls
Valley Junction
Science Center of Iowa
Movie theatres

Campus Tours

Campus Tours
Appointment Required: Yes
Dates: Year-round
Times: 9 a.m - 3 p.m.
Average Length: 1 hour

On Campus Interview

Campus Interviews

Information Sessions

When requested

Faculty and Coach Visits

Dates/Times Available
Academic Year

Contact Admissions Office

Advance Notice
2 weeks

Contact Email Address for Visit

Class Visits

Dates/Times Available
Academic Year

Contact Admissions Office

Overnight Dorm Stays

Overnight Dorm Stays

Contact Admissions Office

For seniors only in the spring


Types of Transportation Available to Campus
Des Moines International Airport is 15 minutes from campus. Taxis and buses are available.

Driving Instructions to Campus
From the East and North At the northeast edge of Des Moines, I-80 and I-35 join and go west around the city while I-235 goes through Des Moines. Take I-235 west for about six miles to the 31st Street exit, which is past the downtown area. You will see a sign that says, "Drake University next right." Exit I-235 at the 31st Street exit and go right (north). Travel approximately five blocks on 31st Street to the stop light at University Avenue. At University Avenue, turn right and go one block to the Olmsted Center parking lot on the left (north) side of the University. Reserved parking for Admission visitors is located on the south side of the lot. The Office of Admission will validate parking tickets for Admission visitors only. The Office of Admission is located one block east of the Olmsted Center parking lot. From the West and South At the southwest edge of Des Moines, I-80 and I-35 join and go east around the city while I-235 goes through Des Moines. Take I-235 east to the 31st Street exit in Des Moines. Be sure you have passed the 63rd Street and 42nd Street exits. Exit at 31st Street and turn left (north). Go north approximately four blocks to the "T" intersection at University Avenue. Turn right (east) at the stop sign and go about six blocks to the Olmsted Center parking lot. Reserved parking for Admission visitors is located on the south side of the lot. The Office of Admission will validate parking tickets for Admission visitors only. The Office of Admission is located one block east of the Olmsted Center parking lot.

Local Accommodations
The following hotels are recommended by Drake: Holiday Inn Express at Drake, Holiday Inn Downtown, Marriot, and Embassy Suites. The Cottage Bed and Breakfast is also close to campus.
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Applicants: 9,846
Acceptance Rate: 64%
Average HS GPA: 3.69



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